A Visit from
Italian Relatives
Adriana & Constintino Ceretto-Obertino
toured the United States in May and June of 1997. While
touring the Northeastern US they stopped in Leechburg to visit
the Goglio descendants living in there. When they visited
Washington D.C, the Goglio cousins living in that area had
a very enjoyable visit with Adriana and Constantino
Adriana and Constantino live in Turin,
which is less than 100 km from Alpette. They have two married
children and three grandchildren. Constintino died in 2000.
This picture was taken
at Dick's house in Potomac.Md. Adriana, Constantino, and
Donald Goglio are seated with Arlene Aiello, Garay Goglio,
and Dick Shultz standing
While in Washington,
they visited Arlington national Cemetery, The Roosevelt Memorial,
and the Jefferson Memorial. The picture of Adriana and Constantino
was taken at the Jefferson Memorial.
Dick Shultz and Constatino
at the Jefferson Memorial

Adriana with her grandchildren Andrea, Luca, and Martina